Manhattan University Knowledge Base

Setting Up a Google Assignment

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Typical Moodle assignments offer a great deal of flexibility and tight integration with the rest of Moodle, but impose limits on the size of files that can be uploaded.  When your course requires students to submit large files, Google Assignments allow students to do so.

Enable Course Kit Tool

Within your course page, enable the Google Assignments external tool.

Add Assignment to Course Page

Make sure that editing is turned on by clicking the Edit mode toggle in the upper right corner of your course page.  Scroll to the desired Topic or Week, and at the bottom of that section click Add an activity or resource. In the window that appears, select Google Assignments from the list of options.

Enter General Assignment Settings

  1. Enter the assignment's name in the Activity name field
  2. Click the Select content button.

If this is the first time you've used Google Assignments, you'll be asked to log into your Manhattan College Google Account.  This step is necessary for Google to recognize you as the teacher for the course.  You may not see these screens if you've previously created Google Assignments.

  1. Sign in using your Manhattan College ID and password
  2. If you're already signed in, you'll be asked to confirm that you want to link your Manhattan account to the course, rather than some other account
  3. Finalize the link.  The messages you see here inform you that Google Assignments will create a folder in your Manhattan College Google Drive, so that you can have easy access to student submissions.

Add due date

Due dates help students stay on top of their work.  Add a due date by clicking the calendar icon.  Note that due dates for Google assignments differ from due dates in typical Moodle assignments:

  • Course kit due dates will not appear on students' Moodle calendars and timelines
  • Students are not be able to make a submission after a Google assignment's due date

If desired, you can also use this screen to change the total number of points for the assignment with the Total points box.

Click the Create button when finished.


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