Quiz Proctoring can make a quiz in Moodle more secure. This feature of Moodle uses students' webcams to take pictures of them at random times while they take the quiz, so you'll be able to ensure they're at the computer for the duration of the quiz, and see their surroundings. It will also take screenshots at random times. This will allow you to see if they have any other programs open.
While this feature is easy for you to set up and for the students to use, we recommend you give the students a practice quiz with Quiz Proctoring enabled so they are comfortable with the interface, and to allow you to address any technical issues.
Also, note that this feature is most secure when screenshots are taken of the students' entire screens. However, students are presented with the option of sharing only a portion of their screens. Be sure to instruct them to share their entire screens to maximize security.
Setting up the quiz
When setting up your quiz, find the "Extra restrictions on attempts" section on the settings screen. Change Webcam identity validation to "must be acknowledged before starting an attempt."

After the quiz
You'll see the message below on the quiz page when Quiz Proctoring is active. To view the images of the students and their screens, click the View proctoring report button.

Reading the proctoring report
Each student will have a line in the proctoring report. Click the folder icon under Actions to view the webcam images and screenshots for a student.

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