Manhattan University Knowledge Base

Using Moodle Announcements to Email Your Entire Class

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The Announcements forum allows you to send a message to your entire class. You can use it to share important updates, remind students of upcoming deadlines, provide additional resources, or offer words of encouragement. All enrolled students will receive a copy of the message in their Manhattan College email account. As the instructor, you will also receive a copy of the message in your own Manhattan College email account. 

At the top of your class page, click on Announcements. You can send a message through Announcements whether editing is turned on or off. Please note that messages will not be sent if your course is not yet available to students.

Add a new topic

On the Announcements screen, click the Add discussion topic button.

Compose your announcement

In the text boxes type a subject and message just as you would for a normal email.

Add attachments

Considering emailing the syllabus to your students? Instead of sending it as an attachment, upload it to your main course page and send an announcement directing students to find it there. This approach makes it easier for them to locate the syllabus later in the semester and encourages them to visit the course page regularly for resources.

To add Attachment files to your email, first click the Advanced link.  Then, either:

  1. Click on the Add button to browse for a file on your computer; or
  2. Drag the files from your computer to the file upload area within the dotted lines

Additional options

Moodle offers additional options available by clicking the Advanced link

After an announcement is emailed out, a copy of it is posted in the Announcements forum.  This creates a single place where students can find any announcement you've made in the past.  By default, the list of announcements is in reverse chronological order.  If you're making an announcement that you want to remain at the top of the list -- not just while it's the newest announcement -- then check the Pinned box when creating your announcement.

By default, when you create an announcement, it is not mailed out until 30 minutes have passed.  This gives you time to edit your announcement in case you made a mistake in composing it.  If you are creating an urgent announcement and want it to be emailed within five minutes, instead of waiting 30 minutes, then check the Send forum post notifications with no editing-time delay box.

Finish your announcement

When done, click the Post to forum button.


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