Manhattan University Knowledge Base

Review Options for Quizzes

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Students reporting that they can't see their scores on a quiz that's closed?  Go to the quiz settings, find the Review Options section, and check the box for Points in the After the quiz is closed column.  Then read the rest of this tutorial to understand why this solves the problem.

When setting up a quiz, think about what you want information you want available to your students after they take the quiz.  Do you want them to see their scores?  The questions and their answers?  Whether or not they got the questions correct?  All of this is set up in the Review Options section of your quiz settings.

Moodle differentiates between four time periods surrounding a quiz:

  • "During the attempt" is the time during which a student is actually taking the quiz
  • "Immediately after the attempt" begins when a student submits their answers, and lasts two minutes.
  • "Later, while the quiz is still open" begins at the end of the "Immediately after the attempt" period, and ends at the "close the quiz" time set in the Timing section.
  • "After the quiz is closed" begins at the quiz's closing time.  This period doesn't really have an end -- after the quiz closes, this is the state that the quiz is in for the duration of the course.

In practice, it's very rare to have information revealed to students during the Immediately after the attempt period to differ from the information revealed during the Later, while the quiz is still open period.  This tutorial will assume that the same information is revealed in both of these periods.

In the Review options section of the quiz settings screen, you'll see a column for each of these time periods (see below).  In each column, you'll see checkboxes.  By checking a box, you make that piece of information visible during the corresponding time period.

For example, "The attempt," when checked, allows the students to see the quiz questions and their answers.  Obviously, this is necessary when students are actually taking the quiz.  Because of this, the The attempt box is checked and cannot be unchecked in the During the attempt column.  Whether this is checked in the other columns depends on how you want the questions and answers displayed:

  • Checking The attempt in the After the quiz is closed column will allow the students to see the questions and their answers after the quiz closes.  If you plan to reuse the test next semester, and are concerned that students might share the questions with next semester's students, then you might want to keep the The attempt box in this column unchecked.  If your quiz would be helpful as a study aid for later work in the course, you might want to check the box in this column.
  • Checking The attempt in the Immediately after the attempt and Later, while the quiz is still open columns allows the students to see the questions and their answers after they submit, but before the quiz closes.  If you have your quiz open for an entire day, but require the students to complete it in one hour once they start, you might want to keep the The attempt boxes unchecked in these columns to prevent students who take the quiz earlier in the day from sharing the questions with students who plan to take the quiz later in the day.  If your quiz is intended as low-stakes check for understanding, then you might want to check the The attempt boxes in these columns so students have the option to see how they performed on each question.
Editing Quiz | - Google Chrome

If you don't set a close time for your quiz, the After the quiz is closed column will be disabled.

Editing Quiz | - Google Chrome


Maximum points, when checked, allows the students to see the total points available for each question.  Note that this is different from the points that a student actually earns by answering a question.  (For example, earning zero points for an incorrect answer.)  This box is checked by default in the During the attempt period so students can budget their time as they take the quiz.

Points, when checked, allows the students to see the points they earned.  It cannot be checked in the During the attempt period; if students could see how many points they earned on a question, they could detect and change incorrect answers.

How these settings behave in other periods depends on the The attempt checkbox:

  • In a given period, if The attempt is unchecked, checking Maximum Points and Points will allow the students to see their overall score on the test.  However, since they can't see the questions, they won't know what their score was on any individual question.
  • In a given period, if The attempt is checked, checking Maximum Points and Points will allow the students to see their overall score on the test, as well as their scores on each individual question.

Leaving Points unchecked will prevent the students from seeing their scores in the gradebook.  In nearly all cases, you should have Points checked in either After the quiz is closed (if you've defined a close time, which is the most common situation) or Later, while the quiz is still open (if you've decided to not give your quiz a close time).

Remember that students' course grades are hidden by default if any grade item is hidden.  A quiz with an open date in the future will count as a hidden item unless the Points box is checked in the Later, while the quiz is still open column.

You may see Marks instead of Points, and Maximum marks instead of Maximum points.  This occurs when you have your preferred language in Moodle set to "English" rather than "English (United States)."


Checking The attempt in a given column allows students to see the questions for the quiz and the answers that they submitted.  There are two additional options that allow you to give more detail about the correct answers.

Whether correct will allow students to see if they got a given question correct or not.  Note that students may already be able to determine if they got a question right or wrong by looking at the number of points they earned.  So while this option may not give students new information, it will nevertheless make it easier to determine how well they did on each question.

Right answer offers more information than the above option because it also lets the students know which answer was the correct one.


There are three types of feedback that you can insert into a quiz:

  • Overall feedback is feedback you enter in the quiz settings screen, and is often tied to a student's grade.  For example, students receiving a grade under a certain threshold will see a message inviting them to see you in office hours.
  • General feedback is feedback you enter for a specific question on a quiz.  For example, if a student gets a particularly difficult question correct, you might congratulate them on getting it right.
  • Specific feedback is feedback you enter for a specific answer to a given question.  For example, you may be able to predict what mistakes students will make as they take the quiz.  For incorrect answers, you might insert specific feedback to explain why they made those mistakes.

You can revel this feedback by checking the corresponding boxes in the desired columns.


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