1. Course Menu
The Course Menu at the top of each course page allows you to access course Grades and Participants. Use the Course option to return to the main course page.
2. Announcements
Near the top of the course page is the Announcements archive. Here you will find a list of all the announcements that have been made by your instructor. You should have received these announcements via email also, but this is an archive you can access in case you lose the email.
3. Course Index
Use the Course Index to quickly navigate through course content by scrolling up and down to view the sections of the course. The Course Index can be found on all course sites. To access the Course Index, click the green tab located at the upper left of your screen.
To close the Course Index, click on the X at its top.
4. Collapsible Sections
Individual topic or week sections within a course can be collapsed to make it easier to focus in on content that is most relevant during a given time.
Click on the downward facing arrow beside a section name to collapse that section. Click on the Collapse All link at the top of the course content area to collapse all sections.
Click on the right facing arrow beside a section name to open that section. Click on the Expand All link at the top of the course content area to collapse all sections.
5. Collapsible Block Drawer
Blocks, found on the right side of your screen, are contained within the Block Drawer, which can be toggled open and closed. The Block Drawer can be found on all course sites and on your Dashboard. Not all instructors add blocks to courses, so you may find that the Block Drawer is empty for some courses.
To access the Block Drawer, click the green tab located at the upper right of your screen.
To close the Block Drawer, click on the X at its top.
6. Access Recent Courses
To see a list of recently accessed courses from within a course site, click on the grey circular arrow icon at the upper right of the main course content area.
7. Access Course Activities by Type
To view course activities by type (e.g. Assignments, Forums, Quizzes, etc.), click on the grey menu icon at the upper right of the main course content area.
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