Manhattan University Knowledge Base

Accessing MyMathTest Practice for the Mathematics Placement Exam

Updated on

If you feel that you would like to complete questions from a practice test bank in preparation for the Mathematics Placement Assessment, you can sign up for the MyMathTest program by following the directions below. The program is optional and there is a $24.99 registration fee.

To get started, visit the following URL address to access the MyMathTest website:

Click the Student access button on the right side of the screen.

Screenshot of MyMathTest getting started area with Student access button

On the next screen entitled Get Registered, scroll down to the button of the screen and click the I'm ready to register button

Screenshot of "I'm ready to register" button

In the Course ID field, enter the following Course ID: XL4V-Q1WC-301Z-60W2.  Then click the Continue to register button.  

Screenshot of registration screen with Course ID field populated and "Continue to register" button

To access MyMathTest, you will need a Pearson account.  Click the Create an account button to begin this process.

Screenshot of "Create an account" button

Fill in the registration fields with your personal information.  Then click the Create account button.

Screenshot of account creation screen with "Create account" button outlined

On the next screen you will see a verification message indicating that your account has been created. Click the Get started button to continue.

Screenshot of account creation confirmation screen with get started button

Under Use a Credit Card or PayPal, click the $24.99 button. Proceed through the billing and payment screens by entering your billing name and address and payment information. Once you have purchased your registration for MyMathTest, you will receive an email confirmation.  You can log in to MyMathTest at any time by returning to the MyMathTest website. If you need additional assistance with MyMathTest, please visit Pearson's MyMathTest support site

Screenshot of MyMathTest registration screen with "Use a Credit Card or PayPal" option outlined


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